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Laveen Schools Launch New Communications Platform

The Laveen School District is transitioning to a new communications platform for the 2023-24 school year.

ParentSquare is a robust communications platform that combines tools such as email, text, classroom updates, sign-ups, scheduling, and updates into one easy-to-use platform.

Laveen families can download the app or log in to the dashboard. From there, you will see secure messages from your child’s teacher, classroom updates, classroom photo galleries, and school event calendars. You’ll be able to sign up for conferences and volunteer opportunities. If you have multiple children in our schools, you can see all these notifications at once or toggle between children to see relevant information for each individual child.

Learn more at

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Laveen Schools Place at State-Wide MESA Competition

Several Laveen teams competed in the recent MESA Day held at Grand Canyon University. Thirty three teams from across the state competed in the annual Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement competition.

Two of Rogers Ranch’s teams took 1st place in the MESA Attack Vehicle and Sustainable Skyscraper challenges. Vista teams also took 1st Place in the Hack Attack
challenge, 2nd Place in the Attack Vehicle challenge, and 3rd Place in the Sustainable Skyscraper challenge.

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Free Meals for Children Distributed this Summer

Laveen Child Nutrition Services will be serving free breakfast and lunch to children in the Laveen community at all nine Laveen schools through the Summer Meal program.

Children 18 years and younger may enjoy a nutritious breakfast and lunch in our school cafeterias. All kids’ meals are free. There are no income requirements and you do not need to register. Children do not need to be enrolled in a Laveen school to participate. The summer meal program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Summer meal service begins May 30, 2023. Meals will be served in the school cafeteria on select dates and times. Curbside meal pickup is no longer offered due to the expiration of federal waivers that permitted this practice. Adult meals are available for purchase; breakfast is $2.50 and lunch is $3.50.

Visit our Summer Meal page for the schedule and more details.

For the most up-to-date summer menus, nutrition information, and allergens please visit Nutrislice.


This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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Summer Schedule for School and District Offices

All school and district offices will operate on a summer schedule starting on May 22 and running through July 17.

All offices will be open Monday – Thursday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. except on holidays. All offices will be closed on Fridays throughout the summer months.

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Rogers Ranch Teacher recognized at Outstanding Masters Student

Rogers Ranch teacher Savanah Lee has been selected as the NAU College of Education’s “Outstanding Masters Student” from the Department of STEM Education for 2023. Mrs. Lee was recognized for raising the bar for those around her and all who follow. She was recognized at an Honors Recognition Ceremony last month.

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ASU Stem Field Trip

120 Rogers Ranch and Desert Meadows students were invited to ASU’s Football Stadium for a STEM in Sports field trip. The American Council for Engineering Companies invited electrical, structural and civil engineers to give breakout presentations on how all of the systems in the stadium work. After 4 breakout sessions, students were invited to have lunch with the College of Engineering in order to discuss how to make engineering a career.

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Rogers Ranch holds first Career Day

Rogers Ranch held their very first career day on April 12.

Professionals from various industries including forensic science, construction, and civil and electrical engineering met with students to share their insights and experiences. This was a fantastic opportunity for students to learn more about different career paths, the skills and qualifications needed to succeed in different industries, and connect with professionals who can offer guidance and support.

It was exciting to see students engage with the community and explore the many exciting career opportunities available to them.

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Rogers Ranch 7th graders recently participated in the Youth Frontiers Courage Retreat.

The retreat is put on by Youth Frontiers, based out of Minnesota.  The end goal is for students to learn how to act with courage to build a positive school culture and climate.

Rogers also had several student volunteers from Cesar Chavez High School support with small group facilitation.  These high school students were chosen by their teachers based on their academic merit, athletics, and leadership skills.

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Join Laveen Schools for an Open House

Interested in enrolling your child in one of Laveen’s outstanding schools? Prospective families are invited to visit the Laveen school of their choice during our annual spring open house events.

Visit our Open House page to learn more about our schools and reserve a space for the campus tour.



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